Jamboree Imaginarium - Britannia Park

Jamboree Imaginarium - Britannia Park
Jamboree Imaginarium is an outdoor State Camp for Guides aged 10-13. Girls will get the opportunity to participate in the wider community of Guiding whilst developing life-long friendships, building confidence and independence, and taking part in a varied and engaging program based in the outdoors.

State Camps are an incredible place for Guides to come into their own. State Camps leave Guides with memories of laughter and overcoming challenges that will last a lifetime.

Supported by our qualified and experienced Guide Leaders, State Camps are a place for Guides to step out of their comfort zones. Guides can challenge themselves beyond their familiar Unit environment and learn new skills while experiencing one of our beautiful bush campsites.

Jamboree Imaginarium aims to be a fun and friendship filled experience which leaves Guides happy and chatting the whole way home from camp in the car.

In 2019, there are two different locations for Jamboree: Britannia Park, Wesburn and Lingbogol, Creswick North. Guides can attend Jamboree at any camp, in whichever location is of interest. Guides register as individuals, and do not need to attend their their Unit Leaders.

For more information, including the list of what to bring to camp, download and read the information booklet.

If you are an adult volunteer interested in helping out at Jamboree, please email jamboree@guidesvic.org.au

This registration is for Britannia Park Guide Campsite, in Wesburn.

When: 10.00 am Friday 27 September to 1.00 pm Wednesday 2 October

Cost: $480 (This includes all accommodation, food, activities, and volunteer expenses. All Guide camps are staffed by experienced, trained volunteer Guide Leaders who donate their time at no cost.)

To register, please click the orange 'Register Myself' button below, and select your registration type. Then you will be presented with a series of additional questions. Please save after answering. Youth members will need to review their health details. Save if you make any changes. Finally, for payment, click the orange 'Proceed to checkout' button at the bottom of this page to pay. Payment is required to secure your registration.

Any questions? Email jamboree@guidesvic.org.au
27/09/2019 10:00 AM - 2/10/2019 1:00 PM
Britannia Park Guide Campsite 210 Britannia Creed Road WESBURN VIC
Registration not available.

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(As at October 2011)
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  • If you withdraw from the event at least one month prior to the closing date for applications, a 90% refund will be given.
  • If you withdraw from the event less than one month before the closing date for applications, a 50% refund will be given.
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