Lead the Way - December 2023

Lead the Way - December 2023
Lead the Way is a leadership weekend for all Guides aged 14-17 who are looking to further their understanding of leadership and to develop their leadership skills.

At Lead the Way, Guides will be given opportunities to engage with and learn from the Girl Guides Victoria State Patrol, develop networks, and have access to a variety of inspirational female mentors. 

The content of the program has been designed to ensure that National Youth Leadership Skill Training Guidelines are met and that this weekend can be used as the residential leadership training for the Queen's Guide Award.

The Lead the Way program is a challenging weekend incorporating advanced personal development and critical thinking skills. If this type of activity will be particularly challenging, please indicate upon registration. Leaders at Lead The Way will make every effort to accommodate the needs and abilities of all Guides, however it is important that these are disclosed as soon as possible for planning purposes. 

Prior to registering, please download and read the Information Booklet for more details, including the kit list. 

When: 7pm Friday 1st - 4pm Sunday 3rd December 2023. 
Where: Rowallan Guide Campsite, Riddells Creek (with a day trip to the City to Girl Guides Victoria Head Office). 
Who: Girl Guides aged 14-17 working on their Queen's Guide Award and/or wanting to develop their leadership skills. 
Cost: $170 for Youth

Registrations close Monday November 27th. No late registrations possible. 

How to register:
- Log in as the Girl Guide member attending Lead the Way, then click the orange  button below, and select your registration type.
- You will be presented with a series additional questions which need to be answered by the Guide attending camp. Please .
- Youth members will need to review their health details. Save if you make any changes.
- For payment, click the orange ' button at the bottom of this page to pay. Payment is required to secure your registration.

For event queries | tara.anderson@guidesvic.org.au
For registration queries | events@guidesvic.org.au
1/12/2023 7:00 PM - 3/12/2023 4:00 PM
Registration not available.

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By completing this registration you have acknowledged that you have been informed of the below GGV Event Cancellation Policy.

(As at October 2011)
  • If the event is cancelled by Girl Guides Victoria, a full refund will be given.
  • If you withdraw from the event at least one month prior to the closing date for applications, a 90% refund will be given.
  • If you withdraw from the event less than one month before the closing date for applications, a 50% refund will be given.
  • If you withdraw from the event after the closing date for applications, no refund will be given.
You may apply for special consideration in exceptional circumstances. Such requests should be addressed to the Database Manager at Girl Guides Victoria.