Olave Linking Campfire 2018

Olave Linking Campfire 2018
A linking campfire for 13-17 year old Guides and 18-29 year old Olaves to make new friends and keep the old.

Join Olave Victoria as we light a fire, sing some songs, eat s'mores and banana dreamboats, and make new friends at our annual Linking Campfire from 3.00 - 5.00 pm on Sunday 21 October.

This event is open to all members of Girl Guides Victoria aged from 13 to 29. Youth members do not need to attend with their Unit or Leader. This is a linking event, which means it gives Guides aged 13-17 a chance to get to know what Olaves is like!

All proceeds will be donated to the Blackburn Bursary fund, to help support the membership of Guides experiencing financial hardship.

Are you a member of Olave Victoria?

You are also invited to our third Open Olave Committee meeting! The meeting will take place from 2.00 - 3.00 pm (directly before campfire), and is an opportunity for you to check out what the Committee gets up to and have your voice heard. You don't need to register separately - just come along before the campfire!
21/10/2018 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Reservoir West Guide Hall Leamington Street RESERVOIR VIC
Registration not available.

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(As at October 2011)
  • If the event is cancelled by Girl Guides Victoria, a full refund will be given.
  • If you withdraw from the event at least one month prior to the closing date for applications, a 90% refund will be given.
  • If you withdraw from the event less than one month before the closing date for applications, a 50% refund will be given.
  • If you withdraw from the event after the closing date for applications, no refund will be given.
You may apply for special consideration in exceptional circumstances. Such requests should be addressed to the Database Manager at Girl Guides Victoria.