Conduct a Camp Leader Training - Lingbogol

Conduct a Camp Leader Training - Lingbogol
Training for Leaders or Managers who wish to conduct Indoor or Outdoor (Established or Bush) Camps.

Conduct a Camp Leader Training has a new structure in 2018!

Day 1 (Saturday 2 June; 9.00 am - 5.30 pm): Camp One Camp All - Theory

This day is designed for Leaders who do not currently hold a Camping Qualification. It's suitable for Indoor Camp Module and Outdoor Camp Module (Established and Bush).

 Topics include:
- Camp administration
- Program
- Policies and procedures
- Staffing roles and responsibilities
- Risk Management.

Day 2 (Sunday 3 June; 9.00 am - 4.30 pm): Outdoor Camp Skills

This day is designed to provide practical skills for Leaders wanting to gain an outdoor camp qualification.

Covers various areas of camp set up including:
- Layout
- Fires and gas safety
- Gadgets
- Hygiene
- Kitchen
- Tents and equipment

You will need to select which day(s) you are attending upon registration. Leaders are welcome to attend both days or, if they have some prior experience, need to consult with their Outdoor Skills Assessor (OSA) to determine which day(s) they need to attend. OSAs are appointed by the Region Manager / Region Team.

Upon registration, you will also need to answer several questions to assist the Training Team. Please ensure you also click through the Checkout, and contact if you do not receive a confirmation email.

Before attending, please ensure you have read the Information Kit (available from the website Event Post).

Please note: If you are interested in training for Conduct an Expedition Modules contact us at to discuss your requirements. 
2/06/2018 9:00 AM - 3/06/2018 4:30 PM
Lingbogol Guide Campsite Cnr Broomfield Rd & Geddes Rd CRESWICK NORTH VIC
Registration not available.

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