Find Your Local Guide Group

Please use the 'Find Your Local Guide Group' tool below to locate your local Guide Groups. 

You can do this by choosing your local Council, Shire or City from the drop down list and then clicking 'Find'.  

GO GIRLS is GGV’s Online Unit offering members an alternative Guiding opportunity. For more information, select Online, listed at the beginning in the drop-down box below.

A list of groups meeting in your local area will be displayed.  You will be shown the age group for each Unit and when they meet so you can select the group that bests suits you.  If you would like to visit one of the groups or obtain further information, you can contact us by clicking 'Enquire Now'.

We look forward to welcoming you to Guides very soon!

Please enter your search criteria to view results

For More Information or to Join

If you would like further information on Girl Guides Victoria, please contact us via email on or by phone on +61 3 8606 3500.